Monday, September 22, 2014

Fin First: Local is the New Black

There are individuals out there that inspire you daily whom you may have never met in person.  Maybe these friends are an Instagram or Facebook friend that you feel as if you have met in person.

That has happened to me with Allison Denton of Savvy Alli Photography and Fin First.  It all happened back in May of 2011 as I was preparing for my wedding when I stumbled upon her photography page.  Since then she has been a constant inspiration to simply love life, enjoy little moments, and appreciate the beauty around you.  I (and her other fortunate FB friends) have also been able to witness the beautiful journey of her son, Fin, through her daily Fin pictures that leave you smiling and as if you have met him also.  Fin, and the love his parent's show for him, is what brings me to this post today!
Meet the Denton family.
Not only is Allison an amazing and unique photographer, but her husband also happens to be a creative graphic designer that both share a love for Fin and the beach life.  You take all of these beautiful creative outlets and this couple created the sweetest birthday present to last a lifetime for Fin.  You see, Allison and her husband shared with the world their vision and allowed it to come true.  From what they showed online, they rose before the sun and stayed up way after it set to make their dreams for their little boy a reality. From visions, to sketches on paper, to watercolor galore, and to what you see today.
The best part??  This surprise and gift was revealed on his first birthday.  How amazing is that!? Allison and her husband created  a kid's t-shirt line like one I have never seen before.  Fin was their vision throughout each shirt and what they currently want for their son, for his future, and to always keep that curious side to him as he grows to explore whatever his heart desires.   

With the passion of photography, graphic design, and a unbreakable love for their son, an undeniable, gotta have it t-shirt line was produced.  And here is their inspiration, Fin, the CEO of Fin First:
Now, on to the t-shirt line that will have you buying one (or many) for your son, daughter, nephew, niece, your friend's child, or maybe to keep until the right moment to give away.  Here are just a few designs:
"East Coast Native" The shirt I bought for my little brother to rock out in.

"The Wander Years" "Old Soul"
"Kid You'll Move Mountains" . . .a constant inspiration to live life.
I will admit that I stomped my feet and pouted a little when I realized I couldn't buy any of these shirts for myself.  But then Fin First made it all better!  You can purchase each of these designs on an 8 x 10 print!  So yes, I ordered a few.

Once I received my prints, the packaging alone got me excited!  From their own Fin First stamp on the back of the envelope to the "Greetings from Myrtle Beach" postcard on the inside.  Felt like a piece of home was mailed to me.

So, what are you waiting for??  Go check out Fin First for yourself! 

Website: Fin First MBFin First FacebookFin First Instagram
Savvy Alli Photography Facebook

Warning: This little cutie will have you buying and sharing!

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